Dassault Systèmes Introduces 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical

The SOLIDWORKS 2D drafting tool connects to 3DEXPERIENCE.

Dassault Systèmes has introduced 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical, which is DraftSight Mechanical with the connection to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. This connection lets DraftSight users share drawings and markups and does revision control and a little project management.

3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical is designed to work with mechanical entities and objects in the DWG file format. DraftSight has full support for ANSI, ISO, DIN, JIS and BSI standards. Users can work in empirical, metric or both at once with a dual unit display.

The 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical interface has been updated. By default, there are two additional ribbon tabs that contain new commands and features, mechanical content and mechanical entities. The mechanical content tab introduces additional features for mechanical layers and construction lines. The mechanical annotate tab has new and enhanced features.

The blue dots means that mechanical data is attached to a part reference.

The blue dots means that mechanical data is attached to a part reference.

One of the key new features is the ability to create and modify part references. Unlike Previous DraftSight versions, the balloon feature is able to use these part references. The same is true for the BOM feature.

There is a new command for making a parts list. To begin, 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical introduces a mechanical layers manager and support for layer groups. Layers will automatically stay organized as required by the chosen standard. If a drawing contains part references that were inserted with another MCAD application, you will see blue dots (see above) indicating that mechanical data is attached. This is a key difference with other versions of DraftSight as only in 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical are you able to read and modify this information.

When creating new content with DraftSight Mechanical, users can apply their hardware library to insert part references, which are automatically inserted with all their mechanical information. If you share your drawing with the user of another CAD application, the part reference will be recognized. This is needed to ensure the BOM and parts lists remain up to date.

You may also create part references from any entity. For example, any block you insert or just a spline like the one shown in the picture above that represents a silicone cap over the head of screws that protect them from water.

The BOM feature has new capabilities. In the picture above, the parts shown in blue are overrides. There are reasons for overrides in some cases. Sometimes there are reasons to show a different value. In the example shown, there is a quantity of two for a screw and the override can be removed.

With 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical, you can use a filter to find the references. Every reference in the view will be found. The parts list is narrowed down to only the hardware found in the view.

The balloon feature supports part references so that it can be used for content previously created with another MCAD program. 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical balloons can be inserted individually and after insertion, the balloons can be selected, and their style can be modified.

You can utilize DraftSight hole wizard to insert counterbores and countersinks through holes, taps and slots.

Once the holes are represented in our drawing, the correct hardware that corresponds with the size, thread and depth of our hole. Instead of having to look through an entire drawing for a particular hole, users can turn to a “hardware assistant.”

The key difference in 3DEXPERIENCE DraftSight Mechanical is in the possibility to update drawings containing mechanical entities in a DWG format. Of course, to achieve this, there must be support for part references and part lists at your company.