RF App assesses architecture and auto-generates Simulink block diagrams.

RF Budget Analyzer App makes it easier to assess RF architectures (top) and will auto-generate block diagrams for Simulink simulations
The release of MATLAB 2016a will have a lot of focus on updating the program’s radio frequency (RF) design and simulation capabilities.
The update includes a new app and additions to the RF Toolbox, SimRF and Antenna Toolbox. These changes will help engineers perform first order RF budget analysis and integrate designs into the system-level simulations within Simulink.
“As multi-antenna applications become critical to next-generation communications infrastructure, consumer electronics and defense applications, it is no longer viable to divorce RF and antenna modeling from the rest of the system design,” said Ken Karnofsky, senior strategist at MathWorks. “Now, wireless R&D engineers working on 5G and other advanced wireless communications systems can use MATLAB and Simulink directly for RF and antenna modeling, avoiding the need to learn and maintain separate, specialized tools.”
The release also comes with an app called the RF Budget Analyzer. This addition to the RF Toolbox will help engineers get the front end of their designs ready for modeling and simulations. The tool helps in the creation and analysis of RF architectures and then automatically creates a block diagram based on the architecture. These block diagrams can then be integrated into Simulink.
The tool is designed to help engineers iterate their system-level designs and architecture changes while reducing time spent debugging and performing validations. Enabling engineers to iterate and integrate their RF designs into the systems simulation more quickly will improve their ability to assess how the RF will interact with the overall system.
Additions to the Antenna Toolbox help engineers model, assess and visualize their antenna-based RF designs. Users can perform first-order designs of both dielectric substrates and custom antenna geometries. Since these designs can also be integrated into Simulink, engineers will be able to assess the interactions between the antenna and edge effects early in the development cycle.
To learn more read the article MATLAB, Simulink 2016a Released.