What is the difference b/w FDM and FDMA / TDM and TDMA ???
[FDM= Frequency Division Multiplexing]
Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) is a form of signal multiplexing where multiple baseband signals are modulated on different frequency carrier waves and added together to create a composite signal.
[FDMA= Frequency Division Multiple Access]
Where frequency division multiplexing is used as to allow multiple users to share a physical communications channel, it is called frequency-division multiple access (FDMA).
[TDM= Time Division Multiplexing]
Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) is a type of digital or (rarely) analog multiplexing in which two or more signals or bit streams are transferred apparently simultaneously as sub-channels in one communication channel, but physically are taking turns on the channel. The time domain is divided into several recurrent timeslots of fixed length, one for each sub-channel. A sample, byte or data block of sub-channel 1 is transmitted during timeslot 1, sub-channel 2 during timeslot 2, etc. One TDM fram
1. the difference b/w FDM and FDMA is ” FDM doesn’t have “A” and FDMA dose have “A”. ”
2. the difference b/w TDM and TDMA is ” TDM doesn’t have “A” and TDMA dose have “A”. ”
3. And unfortunately there is no difference b/w both set as a
3.1 “FDM and FDMA”
3.2 “TDM and TDMA”
because both sets have same difference.