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Life Extension - How do I make a 54-78 GHZ emf, 50-75 decibels
Last Post 28 Feb 2014 02:49 AM by John Green. 0 Replies.
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John Green
New Member
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28 Feb 2014 02:49 AM
    Research institutions have verified increasing life spans of test animal by upwards of 2oo%. Interestingly, some subjects that entered the program at an old age and which originally had notable rheumatoid arthritis and grey hair... experienced a return to normal good health along with their greatly increased lifespan.

    Telomeres which normally shrink 1%/year, actually increased in length by 2.9% when receiving the emf 'treatment'for 30 minutes per day times 5 days per week.

    So what is the simplest, safest, least expensive way to create the needed emf field?

    Thank you for your help.

    John G.
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