ZWSOFT updates its 2D CAD package to include greater 3D modeling efficiency.

China’s ZWSOFT, publishers of the MCAD solution ZWCAD 2017, has announced the release of ZWCAD 2017 SP3.
In this latest update to its 2D CAD package, ZWSOFT engineers have added a 3D Modeling Dynamic Preview function, which creates a better foundation for the program by increasing stability and efficiency, as well as enhances the user experience.
The main addition to SP3 is the software’s new 3D Modeling Dynamic Preview function. When working within the Solid Menu, users can now preview how an extrusion will appear in the drawing area before the command is executed. With this tool, the position and sizes of a 3D representation can be verified, saving time when modeling.
In addition to its new modeling feature, ZWCAD 2017 has also been improved with a new kernel. With this improved back end, many of the most frequently used operations like the move, copy and rotate commands have been sped up and are 10 percent more efficient according to the company. If users opt for the 64-bit version of the software, they’ll also be able to handle work with much larger drawings.
Finally, ZWSOFT’s engineers have also made the program more stable, and the company claims that “open” and “save” errors have been reduced by 50 percent when compared to the previous version of the software.
“Every day we meet more and more customers [who] express their strong demand for an extremely robust solution, and that’s exactly what the latest ZWCAD [has been]improved to provide. At the same time, we keep discovering new features for better a user experience for our customers,” said Daniel Huang, product manager forZWCAD.
For more information about ZWCAD 2017, visit ZWSOFT.