Ion Productions is crowdfunding personal flamethrowers on Indiegogo.
Chris Byars and his team wanted to build a handheld flamethrower that could capitalize on the promise held in movie and video games. They saw flamethrowers that looked portable, easy to use and visually attractive. The team is currently running an Indiegogo campaign for XM42: The Handheld Flamethrower.
An interesting aspect of the flamethrower project shows uses beyond awesome visuals. Ice and snow can be cleared, weeds can be removed from pavement cracks, controlled burns can be streamlined, insects can be controlled and bonfires can be started. The team has definitely thought about all the practical uses that a smaller easily manipulated flame can have.
XM42 contains a check valve that keeps fuel vapor inside the reservoir during burns, and a deflector cone that prevents fuel from dripping down the device. Safety was a constant concern during product development and the FAQ says that XM42 is “designed to be safe when used properly.”
California and Maryland have restrictions on owning flamethrowers for personal use and the other forty eight states do not currently have prohibiting legislation. The website stresses that the user is responsible for ensuring that local, state and federal regulations are met before throwing flame.
87 octane gasoline right from a commercial pump can be used as the base fluid but diesel, alternate fuels and mixtures can also be used. A list of compatible materials is being built for global users. Refilling is done by opening the cap, pouring in the fuel and closing the cap. Mixing liquids and regulating pressure is not required.
Current designs use a one liter tank that burns for an untested amount of time. The flame streams around twenty feet from the nozzle but design improvements are hinted at to extend that range. Testing is being done this week to evaluate designs and find the running time for one tank full of fuel.
Units are expected to ship in September 2015. Different colored powder coating and polished options are available for the units, priced at $699 or $799 for this first run of parts. The campaign runs through April 28, 2015 and met its funding goal of $40,000 in the first day.
Personal flamethrowers are definitely a maker or hobbyist item, and there’s a huge amount of development that needs to be done before the product will successfully ship in mass quantities. The team at Ion Productions looks ready to finish development, validate and test their assemblies and move into production.