Write Your Circuits with a Rollerball and Conductive Ink

Autodesk has partnered with Electroniks to bring you a device that can write circuits onto suitable substrates using a rollerball pen and conductive ink.

It’s past the Kickstarter phase, but you can order one of the coolest contraptions to happen to the electrical-circuit-prototyping-maker-space since sliced bread (boards) through the 123D Circuits Store.

Partnering with Autodesk 123D Circuits, Electroniks has developed a rollerball pen-like device that transfers conductive ink into a suitable substrate, creating a circuit as easy as signing your name.

Autodesk sees the device, called Circuit Scribe, playing nicely in a number of areas:

  • STEM Education – Kids can quite literally build circuits and switches in their notebooks and use those concepts to get creative
  • Low-Cost High Quality Electronics  – Build a circuit with nothing but a coin battery, paper clip, and LED, or build out complex circuits with multiple components
  • Flexible Electronics – Draw circuits, cut them out, and stuff them into other inventions
  • Goodbye Breadboard  – Breadboards add a level of abstraction and annoyance to circuit building.  With Circuit Scribe, you can draw exactly what you want, no wires or breadboard required.
  • Open-Source Hardware – Circuit Scribe can be used with Arduino, Makey Makey, and many other electronic platforms.

I’m not a big electrical design guy, but playing with one of these sounds very enticing.  And I certainly wouldn’t mind getting this into the hands of my kids’ school for their STEM extracurricular activities.

