Maximize your return on investment, boost your productivity and introduce a wide array of production benefits.
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Written by: Cary Baur, Manager – Applications Development, EOS North America

Many organizations begin their additive manufacturing (AM) journey with an individual application in mind, and they choose an AM solution that delivers the performance, reliability and material selection they need for that specific application or product. That’s not exactly the wrong approach, but it can create limitations in scalability, productivity and cost-efficiency down the line.
Building an AM production line takes a sizable amount of effort, education and talent for any organization. Investing in AM is well-worth the resources and then some, but as an expert in additive manufacturing and the journey to scaling production, I have discovered the key elements to look for when considering your next AM investment.
The answer to whether or not you’re making the right choice in your next AM investment begins with where material flexibility sits in your priority checklist when beginning your AM journey. It’s wise to protect your investment by seeking out versatile AM platforms that can adapt to your evolving needs—even if your initial AM plans are limited to a specific application or polymer material.
First, let’s explore how material flexibility can maximize your return on investment, boost your productivity and introduce a wide array of production benefits.
The Wide-Reaching Benefits of Material Flexibility
The ability to use a wide range of materials in your polymer AM system is an advantage in itself. However, the overall impact of material flexibility extends well beyond, well, material flexibility. That’s because systems that support material flexibility are also likely to address fundamental attributes every AM user is looking for—traits such as an open software architecture, productivity, repeatability and versatility. Material versatility can also play a key role in reducing cost-per-part, continuous improvement and optimizing the efficiency of your organizational resources.
Productivity gains:
Being able to produce parts with an array of different materials on a single platform can maximize machine uptime, which is a major benefit for overall productivity. A platform that is capable of working with several different materials will have a wider processing temperature range and the ability to fine-tune the thermal distribution.
Continuous improvement and repeatable results:
Material flexibility augments the system’s ability to produce repeatable high-quality parts. Different materials in the polymer AM universe—nylon 11, nylon 12, polypropylene, polystyrene, thermoplastic elastomers, and polyetherketoneketone (PEKK)—require different processing temperatures. A platform that can operate across a wide temperature range allows you to optimize part performance through new materials without having to invest in new machines.
Cost-efficient versatility:
No surprises here; a platform that can process an array of materials will translate to greater versatility in the parts you can produce. Even if you have a single application in mind, versatility is a key consideration.
Reduced cost per part:
The amount of throughput you get on a single machine makes a huge difference in cost per part. Maybe 80 percent of the parts you plan to manufacture additively are made of nylon 12, but you occasionally need PEKK parts in your production runs. Having a single machine that can produce both of those parts will reduce cost-per-part dramatically, as you will already have them ready on the shop floor.
Optimize organizational resources:
Think about the organizational knowledge and expertise you will gain throughout the implementation phase of putting a polymer system into your production line—as well as the investments you will make in technology, talent and AM process optimization. Now, consider the inefficiencies in starting those efforts over from scratch when you want to scale your AM efforts in a few years’ time. By investing in a single platform that can handle a wide array of materials and applications, you’ll get the most out of the hard work you’re doing right now—and be able to scale effortlessly.

Material Flexibility: Features to Look For
What makes a polymer AM system particularly flexible in terms of the materials it can work with? There are several key attributes that should be at the top of your list when you are considering your next AM system:
You’ll need a wide range of processing temperatures.
Different polymer materials require different heat parameters in order to exhibit their ideal mechanical properties, the majority with processing temperatures between 180° C and 300° C (356° F to 572° F). A polymer AM system that covers that entire range of processing temperatures will ensure that every part produced, regardless of the materials used, will be of the highest quality.
You’ll need to fine-tune thermal distribution for each material you use.
Consistent, fast heating over the entire build area is essential for repeatable high-quality part production. That can be a challenge when you are working with a broad range of materials. A multi-zone quartz heater system will help deliver consistent properties for every part you print. Each zone should allow you to adjust heating properties independently, providing uniform thermal distribution across the entire build platform.
You’ll need a thermal imaging (IR) camera to optimize build quality.
A thermal imaging camera will reveal any adjustments that need to be made via the multi-zone quartz heater system. State-of-the-art polymer AM systems have these thermal imaging cameras built into the machine itself, and system software can analyze and provide feedback based on thermal imaging data. The result is closed-loop quality control, complete documentation for every build and the ability to make data-driven adjustments in real time.
You’ll need machine-level and ecosystem-level modularity.
As your production needs grow, modularity will help you scale without having to invest in a new machine. Modular components give you the flexibility to remove completed jobs and let them cool without sacrificing uptime. You should assess the system’s software and hardware ecosystem in terms of its expandability and flexibility as well: It should have a wide array of modular and/or compatible components for powder handling, post-processing and other peripherals that will help you scale seamlessly. It should also be Industry 4.0-ready, supporting connections to other production machines and allowing you to automate workflow across platforms.
You’ll need the freedom to explore new materials.
AM delivers an incredible level of control over the materials you can use, which means game-changing opportunities to reduce cost-per-part, improve part performance, achieve new levels of sustainability and experiment with innovative designs. Many of AM’s biggest evolutionary leaps have been enabled by innovation and development in the realm of materials.
You’ll need powerful partnerships.
Even the most advanced manufacturing organizations need help on their AM integration journey. To get from start to part, they rely on trusted experts that help them explore material selection, part design, strategy development, organizational education, production, post-processing, validation and opportunities for improvement. In other words, you’ll need more than a best-in-class system and innovative materials to successfully navigate your AM journey.

Additive Minds: Your Trusted AM Partner Is Standing By
The EOS Additive Minds applied engineering team is an expert partner that will help your organization navigate its end-to-end AM journey every step of the way. AM can be sophisticated, confusing and intimidating—but with our 30+ years of AM innovation and expertise, we also know that success in AM is achievable and worth the effort.
Reach out –let’s start together.
About the Author
Cary Baur is the manager for Applications Development at EOS North America.