which is better mechanical or electrical engineering?

which is better mechanical or electrical engineering?

im in the army and deployed im trying to find out which one would be better to get a degree and work in b4 i get out of the army

thanks for th advice MR.Leon and Shamur for the advice. im still have time to look into it. now which engineering job u think has the biggest future?

Before taking any decision on this matter, first you should check what type of work attracts you more as it is not only about grabing a job in that field but your whole career will depend on it.
If you just want to have some kind of technical knowledge, you can opt for any Engineering course as a number of subjects are common in all engineering trades except some specializations.


When deciding what type of engineering you should go into ask yourself two questions:

1. What type of Engineering would I have the most fun doing? Do not limit yourself to Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

2. Do I prefer a more abstract world or a more tangible world? Electrical Engineering is much more abstract than Mechanical Engineering (at least classical ME). You can not see those little electrons doing their thing.

My father was an EE. I am a ME.


yes where ever your interest is you should choose that path. There is career growth in engineering and you can look for more options in engineering like civil engineering.

As mechanical engineer, I think both field has equivalent opportunity. The most important element is your interest. In mechanical engineering, you learn the physical element, while in electrical you learn virtual element such as proton, electron ….