What is the difference between invention and innovation?

What is the difference between invention and innovation?

Creativity is seeing what everyone sees and thinking what no one else has thought before. Invention is transforming these new thoughts into tangible ideas. Innovation is introducing these ideas to the end-user. Innovation is channeling creativity (managing its application i.e. invention) so as to produce ideas/products that people can and wish to use (i.e. marketable).
For an invention, the focus is on novelty and this is a key criterion for patenting. In other words, it must be new to its field all over the world. Innovation on the other hand does not have to be new except in a specific situation. Thus, as long as a firm (for instance) is having something for the first time, it is innovative in their context irrespective of whether it is new to their industry, country or the world.
Characteristically, an invention is anything that is novel and potentially practically applicable; an innovation is essentially novel, practically applicable and introduced to the market. Thus innovation

Invention is the act of technical creativeness which involve the introduction of a novel new concept which will normally be suitable for patenting while innovation is the introduction of this novel new concept into the cpmmercial working space.

To be inventive is different from been innovative a man can never be inventive without been creative and remember creative persons does things that have never been done before but an innovative person(s) only work on things that have already be laid down which makes most innovative person(s) different from most inventive person(s) thanks.