What is the difference between 'compute' & 'calculate' ?
Based on the Definitions shown below from Merriam-Webster On line – compute and calculate are synonyms in many cases though Compute refer to using a computer to make those calculations.
But Calculate has other alternate definitions.
Main Entry: com·pute
Pronunciation: kəm-ˈpyüt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): com·put·ed; com·put·ing
Etymology: Latin computare — more at count
Date: 1616
transitive verb
: to determine especially by mathematical means
intransitive verb
1: to make calculation : reckon
2: to use a computer
Main Entry: cal·cu·late
Pronunciation: ˈkal-kyə-ˌlāt
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): cal·cu·lat·ed; cal·cu·lat·ing
Etymology: Latin calculatus, past participle of calculare, from calculus pebble (used in reckoning), perhaps irregular diminutive of calc-, calx lime — more at chalk
Date: 1570
transitive verb
1 a: to determine by mathem