What is the average salary of a mechanical engineer in USA?

What is the average salary of a mechanical engineer in USA?

Earnings depend on the type, size and geographic location of the employer and the employee’s education, experience, skill level and job responsibilities. According to a salary survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, graduates with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering earned an average starting salary of $51,743 in 2006. Those with a master’s degree earned $61,676, and those with a doctoral degree earned $70,348 annually.

Median annual earnings of mechanical engineers were $70,299 in 2006. The middle fifty percent earned between $56,254 and $87,323. The lowest ten percent earned less than $46,534, and the highest ten percent earned more than $103,721.

Mechanical engineers may receive paid vacations, holidays, and sick days; life and health insurance; and retirement benefits. These are usually paid by the employer. Some employers also provide reimbursement for further education.