What is the abbrevation of P.C.O?

What is the abbrevation of P.C.O?

PCO may refer to:

Parliamentary Counsel Office
Party of the Working Class’s Cause (Brazil)
Penguin Cafe Orchestra
Pennsylvania College of Optometry
Personal Computer Oscilloscope — a modern type of oscilloscope that connects to your PC
Photocatalytic Oxidation, a chemical reaction that occurs when titanium dioxide is exposed to Ultraviolet Light. PCO is also referred to as photocatalysis
Pierre Carl Ouellette, the professional wrestling persona of Carl Ouellet
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Precinct Committee Officer
Private Cable Operator
Privy Council Office (Canada) and Privy Council Office (United Kingdom)
Primary Care Organisation (United Kingdom), e.g. a National Health Service Primary Care Trust (PCT)
Professional Conference Organiser
Provisional Constitutional Order
Public call office — the term that a phone booth provides a local call facility in India and Pakistan
Public Carriage Office — the regulatory body for the taxi and private hire trade in L