The ASTM standards organization defines Binder Jetting as a 3D printing/ additive manufacturing process in which a liquid binding agent is selectively deposited to join powder particles.
The printhead strategically drops binder onto a layer of powder. Depending on the 3D printing system, the build plate is raised or lowered and receives the next layer of powder. The printhead strategically deposits another layer of binder, and this sequence continues until the object is built.
Binder Jetting is capable of printing a variety of materials including metals, sands and ceramics. Some materials, like sand, require no additional processing. Other materials are typically cured and sintered and sometimes infiltrated with another material, depending on the application.
The benefits of this technique are that it is relatively fast and secondary support materials are not needed.
Hot isostatic pressing may be employed to achieve high densities in solid metals.
Companies involved in binder jetting 3D printing include ExOne, 3D Systems, NanoSteel, and Voxeljet.