Weight of an above ground storage tank?

Weight of an above ground storage tank?

My question is because I am an operator working with engineering at a terminal and they ask me to do this calculation. The tank is made up of aluminum and the formula that they told me to use to calculate the volume of a hollow cylinder is the following(I want to know if this is correct):
h=height of shell
t=thickness of shell
D=Diameter of tank
If the formula is correct, after that I do not know what to do, I do not know how to get the weight. Thank for your help.

I will like to know how to calculate the weight of a tank of D=40ft and H=30ft, with different shell thickness and shell heights:
Shell 1: t= 0.5in h=93in
Shell 2: t= 0.375in h=93in
Shell 3: t= 0.25in h=90in
Shell 4: t= 0.1875 h=81.25 in

I really appreciate any help.

Somebody please do correct me if I am wrong… Is this formula correct..???
Is it not as

Volume of the cylinder = pi * h * (D-t) alone…and the formula given is the volume of the aluminium or any any metal that is going to be used..isn’t it..???

The formula given can be explained as if you unfold an cylinder it will become like a rectangular or square with a thickness of “t”… so to find the volume of the metal…. we already know the thickness…then the height is “h”… so the other side will be pi * (D-t) that is the circumference of the cylinder right..>??? so the

volume of the metal used = pi * (D-t) * h * t and the formula is correct…

Also as Mr.Mark said we should also be considering the base if you have one….

if it is cylinder then pi/4d2*l is used to calculate volume and density of aluminum should be known then multiply density to volume weight will be achieved

Saw your post on Eng-Tips. The formula you were given is correct for the volume of a hollow cylinder. If you apply this formula to each segment of the tank, you will get the volume of each ‘shell’. Note, this is not the volume of water you can put in the tank. It is the volume of the aluminum in the tank walls. Just add the 4 volumes together to get a ‘total’ volume. I’d assume this tank at least has a bottom to it (otherwise it would be called a pipe) so you’ll also need to add the volume of the bottom and top (if applicable). Now, you have the sum total of all of the volumes. Now multiple by the density of aluminum to arrive at a unit of mass.