Volvo Gearbox Gives Semis a Boost

A new heavy-vehicle transmission could lead to safer, cleaner semi operation. As the transport industry looks to be green it looks like a new fix has arrived just in time. 

transmission, volvo, semi, truck, In a recent demonstration Volvo has shown off how its new I-Shift dual clutch can revolutionize the performance of a transmission, particularly for heavy vehicles.

Consisting of two input shafts and a dual clutch the I-Shift is unique among heavy vehicle transmissions in that it can select two gears simultaneously.  While dual clutch technology has been available in sports and high-end consumer cars for a while, Volvo’s new I-Shift is the first of its kind in heavy trucks.

With two gears engaged a vehicle can make speedy transitions through gears while also having the next gear at the ready. Essentially, with a second gear already “pre-selected” drivers will experience no dip in torque and will find better response throughout the drive cycle. Because of this effect semi drivers will be better able to keep up with the demands of traffic, weather and the ever-changing roadway.

“In situations that require a lot of gear changes, for instance on hills or roads with lots of curves and bends, I-Shift Dual Clutch brings an entirely new dimension to truck driving.” Said Claes Nilsson, President of Volvo Trucks.

Following on Nilsson’s comments Astrid Drewsen, Project Manager at Volvo Trucks, also commented “For trucks, this gearbox will truly make a major difference to driveability… Power-shift gear changes, where there is no interruption in power delivery, means it is easier to keep up with traffic, especially on tricky stretches of roads. The result is more relaxed and safe driving,”

Beyond its ability to make driving safer and more efficient the I-Shift could also reduce the overall maintenance of tractor trailers, a bonus that fleet coordinators and drivers themselves are likely to be happy to hear.

Available this coming autumn the I-Shift’s design could see fuel consumption among tractor trailer drivers slump considerably. Given that there’s an industry-wide push to make semis greener, the I-Shift might be met with high-praise by both drivers and fuel economy wonks alike.

Image and Video Courtesy of Volvo