Video Interview with Management of Tinkerine Studios

Meet Tinkerine's management including recent addition Ben Yan as Channel Manager. Ben comes from HP where he was in charge of global sales.

I recently traveled to beautiful Vancouver, B.C. which has been called “Silicon Valley North” to interview management of  3D printer manufacturer Tinkerine Studios

Tickers are CAD: TTD | USA: TKSTF

In the interview they address their vision, goals, and strategies for the company.

Interviewees are:

  • Eugene Suyu, Co-founder and CEO 
  • Kevin Brandt, Director of Tinkerine U, Tinkerine’s education initiative
  • Ben Yan, Channel Manager 

I had the pleasure of spending an hour or so off camera talking with Ben Yan, who was previously in charge of sales at Hewlett-Packard.  He’s the author of  Reinvent Sales Process, which received very positive reviews from executives at HP,  Citizen Bank,  Alcatel-Lucent and others. Ben plans to bring what he calls “the HP way” to Tinkerine Studios, and I believe his recent addition to management will be a key driver for the company’s success.

I would like to thank Brian Federal who was behind the camera and did the editing for the video.  Brian is filming “3D Printing Revolution”a documentary film about the 3D printing industry.  His web site is at

Disclosure: I own shares of Tinkerine Studios. I was not paid by the company or any third-party for this interview.