The Mlab cusing unit achieves net shape quality across medical, dental and aerospace applications.
Plastics have long been the leading edge in the realm of 3D printing, but metals are where the action is today, as modern industrial 3D printers develop high value components across manufacturing industries.
In the video above, we talk to John Murray, president and CEO of Concept Laser Inc., about the company’s latest technologies and how modern industrial 3D printers are changing the game with advanced capabilities in densification and achieving net shapes.
Concept Laser’s Mlab cusing unit can perform 3D printing operations with materials including steel, both 3-16 and 17-4 and marraging steel. The Mlab’s cusing R can perform with reactive metals such as titanium and aluminum.
The Mlab cusing uses an isolation glove box to protect materials.
“The changeover process can be done with our glove box, where customers can keep titanium in one glove box and aluminum in another, for example, which acts like a cartridge system,” Murray said. “Users can have materials in an inert environment at all times and easily transfer them to the production process without exposure.”
Popular applications for the Mlab cusing and R version include medical, dental and aerospace.
“We also have an extensive parameter editor that allows customers to vary every parameter that our R&D group can work with, which allows our customers do a lot of material research as well,” said Murray.
To learn how the Mlab unit can achieve net shapes with 3D printing, watch the video above and visit