Vero’s WorkNC 2016—Hard-Working, User-Friendly

Vero expands WorkNC by adding standard 5-axis and Waveform milling to its new release.

Vero has announced the release of WorkNC 2016. In its latest version, Vero has made a big leap forward, integrating its Waveform toolpath technology, a standard 5-axis program option, user experience upgrades and other features.

Roughing Made Efficient with Waveform

Over the past few years, Vero has been making big moves when it comes to improving roughing strategies. One of the company’s biggest efforts has been its development of Waveform, a roughing tool that optimizes rapid material removal and tool service life.

With Waveform, intermittent cuts are reduced, cutters stay engaged with material and wasteful air cutting movements are slashed. Adding to those features, Waveform also features what can be described as a smart stepover feature that automatically adjusts a toolpath to ensure that the fastest feed rates can be achieved during each milling run. According to Vero, with Waveform, machinists can expect to see roughing times that are five times faster than traditional methods.

Making 5-Axis Milling Standard

In WorkNC 2016, 5-axis machining has also taken center stage by becoming a part of the application’s standard features. In WorkNC 2016’s new 5-axis module, “Auto 5,” complex, multidimensional cutter and table movements can be generated based on 3-axis tools paths. Additionally, machinists using WorkNC 2016 will also have the tools needed to convert 3 and 3+2 toolpaths into simultaneous 5 axis toolpaths. To avoid crashing, the Auto 5 module also has tools to dynamically and automatically check toolpaths. In addition, Auto 5 boasts the ability to use shorter and more rigid cutters, making it easier to finish more of a part in a single program.

Collision Detection Enhanced

Given that machining is an expensive art, it’s important that a program run properly so that material isn’t wasted, tools aren’t broken and mills aren’t damaged. To meet that goal, WorkNC 2016 also comes loaded with a Collision Detection model that will pinpoint out-of-limit movement that can lead to collisions throughout a machine’s working area.

Aside from its core machining upgrades, WorkNC 2016 has also added an improved user interface that is more intuitive due, in part, to the graphic symbology that’s now employed to represent calculated operations.