Rapid setup, self-contained mobile voice and data for disasters and emergency response.

During natural or manmade disasters and other emergency situations, reliable communication systems are one of the most critical requirements for first responders.
Wireless communications and spectrum sharing technologies developer xG Technology recently introduced their xMax NOW “Network-on-Wheels” transportable broadband wireless system.
The xMax NOW is a fully self-contained mobile voice and data communications system specifically designed for the rapid-deploy requirements of emergency response, homeland security, law enforcement, military and private entities.
Components of the system include a self-configuring wireless broadband data center unit, a mast structure, all necessary antennas, cabling, switches and quick-install hardware and accessories.
All items are enclosed in rugged, easily transportable packaging for deployment on demand. Satellite backhaul capability pre-configured in a flyaway kit can also be included.
xMax NOW incorporates xG Technology’s xMax secure, high-speed private wireless network infrastructure.
xMax NOW Network is pre-packaged for easy transportation, setup and installation, allowing communication links to be established within 30 minutes.
The system provides critical communication capabilities for mission-essential users who require wireless access that is protected from contention with public users or other sources of interference.
Additionally, the network can extend the range of data communications up to seven miles (160 square miles of coverage) around a mobile command center, enabling real-time communication and situational awareness.
Public cellular systems are susceptible to system overload or damage during natural disasters and other emergency situations. xMax provides a private, public-safety grade network which is always available and is engineered to deliver resiliency and redundancy in unpredictable environments or chaotic situations.
xMax also incorporates interoperability support that allows seamless communications among land mobile radios, cell phones, military and public safety P25 networks.
Tim Moynihan, xG Technology’s vice president of sales, said, “The xMax NOW solution is a fully-integrated, highly-transportable unit that is ideal for establishing and maintaining communications quickly and easily.”
“Today’s mission-critical wireless users need reliable, real-time voice, data and video access,” he said. “xMax offers a unique combination of unmatched reliability, exceptional interoperability, and rock-solid security in a turnkey broadband system. When delivered in the xMax NOW package, it provides the ultimate in deployment flexibility and immediate connectivity.”
A datasheet for the xMax NOW is available here.