New products from CAS DataLoggers, Hexagon, Micro-Epsilon and Varian.
CAS DataLoggers Transmission Tester

CAS DataLoggers is now offering the Delphin Expert Vibro system with analysis and monitoring functions, intelligent signal processing, independent data storage capability and versatile fieldbus connections.
Expert Vibro devices have the ability to acquire vibration data at casings, bearings and shafts while also processing data such as oil pressures, volume flows, bearing temperatures, torques and rotation speeds.
Delphin offers users a fully-integrated system requiring no additional interfaces. Each system is equipped with options for automation, analysis and evaluation which can be performed directly at the process using the Expert Vibro and ProfiMessage devices and at a PC using the ProfiSignal software.
Application features include:
- Process and vibration measurement data stored within a single system
- Monitoring of limit values and alarms without the need for PC support
- Individualized systems based on standard components
- Monitoring of shaft vibration on turbines, compressors, engines or boosters
- Monitoring and analysis of bearing vibration and wear, pressure vibrations etc.
- Drive unit measurements (condition monitoring)
- Remote monitoring of equipment and machinery
Expert Vibro itself features 16 synchronous analog inputs, 50 kHz sampling rate per channel and IEPE, mV and mA sensors selectable via software. The device offers a 32-GB data logger memory, four digital inputs for frequency measurement and four analog and eight digital outputs for monitoring.
The Expert Vibro is designed for acquiring transient signals and vibrations. The device’s processor technology, based on FPGAs, enables 16 synchronous channels to be processed at high sampling rates while requiring minimal space—24-Bit A/D converters ensure high precision measurement.
Users are able to switch between voltage measurement, IEPE or shaft vibration sensors. Measurement data is monitored on the fly with digital outputs being switched within milliseconds. A touch display shows users important configuration and measurement data onsite.
Expert Vibro data loggers measure, monitor and record fully independently. Non-periodic signals (for ex. fault diagnostics) can be analyzed with the Expert Vibro.
For more information, visit the CAS DataLoggers website.
Hexagon Optical Scanner

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence recently announced the unveiling of the BLAZE 600M, a new non-contact optical measurement solution based on Hexagon’s scanner technology. BLAZE 600M is a manually-operated system that is designed to provide ultra-rapid 3D data acquisition, a high level of accuracy and actionable data for measurement, inspection, product development, line tuning and reverse engineering.
From inspecting automotive bodies-in-white to stamped parts, this multi-functional scanner can be used for many tasks, including dimensional inspection and root cause analysis.
BLAZE 600M performs feature and surface measurements of parts and assemblies in various sizes with detail and precision. The scanner combines high-resolution digital imaging with blue light LED illumination and does not require surface treatment of metallic, plastic and composite parts.
The system is not sensitive to industrial and ambient light sources or indirect daylight. Designed for operation in industrial environments, vibration due to heavy machinery processes (stamping presses, CNC, robotics etc.) has a negligible impact on measurement results due to the scanner’s fast data capture rate.
The BLAZE 600M system is available in two projection configurations, enabling users to optimize the system for tasks such as routine dimensional control operations or measurement of workpieces with complex features or challenging material types. Operators can also directly switch between various surface data acquisition modes to ensure the best possible results for each specific job.
For more information, visit the Hexagon website.
Micro-Epsilon Inspection System

Micro-Epsilon’s reflectCONTROL Automation is designed specifically to detect defects on shiny surfaces. The system is used for high-speed inspection of shiny and painted parts, e.g. car attachments. The sensor is mounted on a robot and is therefore also able to inspect parts with complex geometries.
Parts with reflecting surfaces are often subjected to manual inspection, which can lead to defects being missed due to tiredness of the inspectors. The reflectCONTROL Automation system is designed for automatic surface inspection of components whose dimensions require several measuring positions.
The system projects a striped pattern onto the measurement object. Defects on the surface cause deviations from the striped pattern which are recorded by cameras and evaluated by software. The compact deflectometry sensor, which consists of a monitor for the striped pattern projection, as well as up to two cameras, is guided over the measurement object by a robot.
Using the 3D model (CAD), the robot program is created. The robot guides the sensor over the relevant surfaces and inspects the surface. The defects found are then evaluated and displayed in the 3D model.
For more information, visit the Micro-Epsilon website.
Varian High-Energy X-Ray Generator

Varian Medical Systems recently introduced a new, portable industrial linear accelerator—a high-energy X-ray generator for industrial applications—that is powerful enough to penetrate steel, concrete, or other materials yet small and light enough to be moved from place to place.Â
The new Linatron Xp can be integrated into imaging systems for pipeline testing, perimeter security, vehicle inspection, and many other industrial, infrastructure inspection and first responder applications.
Varian offers both liquid-cooled and air-cooled versions of the Linatron Xp depending on the environment or the application. “The liquid-cooled version is for what we call ‘high duty’ applications, where you need to keep the X-ray beam on for longer periods of time. It is designed to run continually without having to stop for it to cool down—for example, when performing routine inspection of oil or gas pipelines,” said Bob Drubka, vice president and general manager of Varian’s Security and Industrial products.
Designed for quick setup and teardown, the Linatron Xp weighs less than 250 pounds—roughly 1/10th the weight of a full-sized industrial linear accelerator. It fits into two cases that can each be moved by two people. It can also be integrated with Varian’s PaxScan 2530HE flat-panel digital image detector, or built into systems using computed radiography or film for fast, real-time digital imaging.
“The Linatron Xp fills a void in the marketplace, because there is no other compact solution that operates at high energy—between 0.95 and 1.35 megavolts, which is right in between the energy of an X-ray tube and a full-sized industrial linear accelerator,” Drubka said. “It also operates at a wide range of temperatures and, unlike other technologies, utilizes no cobalt sources, so there’s no radioactive waste to dispose of or to possibly fall into the wrong hands and turn up in a dirty bomb.”
The Linatron Xp is manufactured in Varian’s ISO-9001-certified manufacturing facility. It is an extension of the technology behind the company’s high-energy Linatron accelerators for non-destructive testing, inspection, security, and cargo screening applications.
For more information, visit the Varian Medical Systems website.
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