New products from DoALL, SSAB, TRUMPF and United Grinding.
DoALL Large Capacity Band Saws

DoALL has added two larger capacity dual column, semi-automatic band saws to its Continental Series product line. The DoALL DC-1100SA offers semi-automatic capacities on rectangles at 43.3″ x 43.3″ (1,100 x 1,100 mm) and the DC-1700SA has a rectangle capacity of 67″ x 51.2″ (1,700 x 1,300 mm).
Both the DC-1100SA and DC-1700SA dual column, semi-automatic horizontal band saws are intended for operations requiring a high-production band saw without indexing or automatic cutting cycles.
DoALL’s proprietary feed system is designed to increase blade life and cutting accuracy as the operator is not manually pressuring or overloading the saw blade during the cut.
For more information, visit the DoALL website.
SSAB High-Heat Grade Hardox

Traditional quenched and tempered wear-resistant steels experience a loss of hardness at higher temperatures.
SSAB usually recommends its Toolox brand to tackle these conditions, since it has high wear resistance and retains its original hardness and form stability at high temperatures. Even though Toolox performs well from a technical point of view, it is mainly intended for demanding tooling applications, such as forming molten brass, aluminum and glass.
However, SSAB has transferred the heat-resistant properties of Toolox into Hardox HiTemp, a new Hardox grade available to order from September 2016. The properties of Hardox HiTemp are achieved by using high-quality raw material in combination with a carefully controlled manufacturing process.
Hardox HiTemp is delivered as plate in the 15-30 mm range. It can be cut, welded, and machined by the same kind of workshop machinery and technology used for conventional steel.
For more information, visit the SSAB website.
TRUMPF Press Brake

The TruBend Series 5000 is the latest press brake from TRUMPF. These universal machines come equipped with a new On-Demand Servo Drive with 4-cylinder drive technology. The Servo Drive is designed to be highly dynamic, extremely quiet in operation and eco-friendly, consuming energy only during the bending process.
The TruBend Series 5000 features two angle measuring systems. Automatically Controlled Bending (ACB) takes measurements through sensors integrated into the upper tool, while the new ACB Laser system measures the bending angle through a contactless optical process, and is therefore compatible with any tooling.
When bending short sides, reflective surfaces, or when multi-point measurement is required, the established ACB is the obvious solution. The ACB Laser system is more useful when processing acute and open angles, as well as thick sheet metal.Â

The entire bending process is facilitated by the new Touchpoint TruBend control concept. This interface features realistic 3D visualization and a multi-touch screen. Collision monitoring is also available with the new system.
The new MobileControl Pro can be positioned along the press beam so the operator can complete the bending process without having to revisit the control. A 3.2-inch color display enables operators to input all the directions they might need for the bending process while standing directly at the machine, including instructions to switch to the next/previous bending step or to correct the angle and axis positions.

Support consoles capable of handing loads up to 440 lbs are available with a choice of plastic, brush or roller supports. For particularly heavy and large parts, a bending aid is also available to provide assistance when bending angles up to 30 degrees. When faced with differing tool heights or Z bends, an additional CNC axis automatically sets the bending support to the correct height.
The machine’s tool indicator also features LED lights, which can reduce setup times by displaying where the bending tools are needed. During bending, this optical positioning aid also indicates where the next bending operation is required. To position the workpiece securely, the machine is equipped with an optimized 2-, 4-, 5- or 6-axis backgauge.
For more information, visit the TRUMPF website.
United Grinding Cylindrical Grinding Machines

United Grinding has added three new radius internal cylindrical grinding machines to its line of STUDER internal cylindrical grinding machines. The S121, S131 and S141 replace STUDER’s CT700 and CT900 models and offer a new dressing concept and larger sized machines to handle a broader range of workpieces.
With a workhead on a newly arranged simultaneously swiveling B-axis, the S121, S131 and S141 radius grinding machines offer improved thermal stability, mechanical rigidity and interpolation from -60° to +90°. The machines are also equipped with a dressing spindle or a fixed dresser on the B-axis and a measuring probe on the grinding head.
The new machines feature Granitan machine beds, which are designed to provide higher damping levels, thermal stability and guidance accuracy. The StuderGuide guideway and drive system with linear motors are intended to provide high wear resistance, a long working life and high dynamics.

It also includes X and Z-axes in a cross-slide arrangement as well as a cross slide, which in the case of the S121 can take one spindle, two spindles in parallel or two spindles on a hydraulic turret. In the S131 and S141 machines, the cross slide comes with a four-position turret with direct drive. The spindles on the radius grinding machines are arranged at the rear of the turret.
Each of the three grinding machines is powered by StuderSIM software that enables an operator to machine complex parts–often in a single clamping. StuderSIM derives workpieces from a drawing and completely defines and generates all necessary geometric data for the grinding cycles. Operators can check and visualize the grinding process through simulation on a PC or on the machine.
With swing diameters of 9.84″ and 11.8″ above the table respectively, the S121 and S131 replace STUDER’s CT700 and CT900 models. The S141, with a swing diameter of 15.75″, further extends capabilities of the product line by enabling machining of larger workpieces.Â

The machines enable external diameters up to 6.3″ to be machined with an external grinding wheel 9.8″ in diameter. The maximum length of parts including clamping device is 11.8″ for all three radius grinding machines, and the maximum workpiece weight, including clamping device, is 220 lbs.
The new radius grinding machines can be used for manufacturing dies and hydraulic components such as axial pump pistons, guide plates and housings made of hardened steel, cast iron and copper. Other potential applications include watch and medical technology with extra-hard materials such as industrial ceramic, sapphire and tungsten carbide.
For more information, visit the United Grinding website.
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