Theorem Solutions Brings 3D PDFs to NX

What’s new with Theorem Solutions’ latest version of its 3D PDF software for NX users.

Theorem Solutions has announced the release of Publish 3D v18 for NX.

According to Theorem, v18 will be compatible with all NX releases starting with v8.5 and running through v10.

For NX users not familiar with Publish 3D, the software allows users to quickly create and share rich PDF documentation that can contain a wider variety of CAD, including interactive 3D models, 3D drawings with linked BOMs, robust assembly instructions and much more.

The biggest news coming from Theorem HQ is that in v18 the familiar TEMPLATE tool has been replaced with a PUBLISH mechanism. Alongside this nomenclature change, Theorem has also introduced a multi-template PUBLISH mechanism that allows users to write AVIs, hyperlinks and PowerPoint presentations into their 3D PDFs.

Aside from its structural switcheroo, v18 is also shipping with enhanced wireframe support that lends the user greater control over tessellation quality and, ultimately, how an object is rendered. 

Other additional features include added controls for lighting and rendering.

Though 3D PDFs might seem a bit feeble at first, when you drill down into the type of information they can provide, I’m sure you’ll walk away impressed. From what I’ve seen of 3D PDFs, they’re essentially a one-stop shop for assembling and marketing a product. Within a single document, interactive 3D models, rendered views, manufacturing instructions, cost analysis and even videos can be collected. With advanced security features enabled, 3D PDFs can be shared freely, allowing both internal and external actors to use the document in whichever way they’re allowed.

How powerful is that?

While 3D PDFs might not be in their perfect form at the moment, they’re still addressing a number of issues that plague product designers, manufacturers and really anyone who’s involved in a product lifecycle. For that, I think they’re worth employing.