Robust models resist change. Resilient models adapt to change. A Solid Edge reseller has devised a cad-neutral modeling concept to create resilient models.
“All models are resilient until you try to edit them.” – Dick Gebhard
Until you really think about that phrase, you don’t see how accurate and deeply philosophical your CAD models are. CAD models appear to be “robust” when created with best practices. But robustness is not a positive. Robustness withstands the forces that push against them. CAD models are supposed to change. They get edited during revisions or when design intent fluctuates. Releasing a robust model at the end of the design without any redflags or failed features is easy. Modifying that model and being able to say the same thing after the base feature was changed is another story.
Airlines are robust. They can get travelers from point A to point B on schedule. That is, until something interferes with the schedule. Then travelers are stranded, left waiting at airport gates trying desperately to get home. Airlines are not resilient. They cannot adapt to unexpected change.
Our CAD models need to be more resilient, like the mighty palm tree whose trunk is flexible to sway in the monsoon winds rather than snap under heavy rains like a robust oak. Even with a shallow root system to develop from, the palm can reach towering heights. So too, should our CAD models be able to grow from poor requirements into a satisfactory end product.
One Solid Edge reseller has worked tirelessly developing a CAD-neutral method for resilient CAD models. It’s not perfect for everyone, but like the models themselves the concept is easily adaptable. The method was presented at Solid Edge University 2013. Presentations from the even have not been posted on the site yet. In the meantime, you can review some of Evan Yares thoughts on Dick’s concept.