The Rallying Industry

Tahoma. You got to love it when a plan comes together; There are those that know of your problems in this economic down turn and want you to know that they are willing to help you. Acting and thinking positive like a horse with a carriage or a cup with a saucer, is something that just clicks and takes little or no thought. How about SolidWorks and Inspirtech? Have you heard of this combo yet? They have teamed up to help get you trained on some tools to put inside your tool box.

Bad Enough, but:

By Richard Williams, 4/6/09

        Wow, believe me when I say that I know what it is like to be laid off, with bills that never stop coming in.  Been there and done that, so I know.  But you do have options and they are as many as there are types of engineers.  What can be done and what do we suggest that you try? 

1.   Join social networking sites and make as many contacts as you can.

2.    A time to study something you have been meaning to or are interested in.

3.    Relocate or travel away temporarily or permanently.

4.    Work on those ideas that you have had.

5.    Ride out the storm if you can but do not wait too long.

6.    Add more tools to your tool chest.


       It is the last one here #6, that I would like to spend just a little time on. Making yourself more valuable to employers by getting familiar with other tools that your industry is using is very well worth your time and effort.  Yes this is training and education but you should consider it a tool to learn.  Especially when you can get them free and I am not kidding you.  The Inspirtech Company which produces some of the very best in video tutorials for the SolidWorks program is being offered to all those engineers that can qualify for the free 90 day SolidWorks program offer.  You can find out more about this offer from the web site down below.  Unfortunately it is only being offered to those in Canada and USA.  But that might change in the future.  So stay tuned here. 


      Well, there are some free training videos that you can obtain from this SolidWorks web site but I strongly recommend that you take advantage of the Inspirtech free beginning videos offer too.  You can hook up with that free offer from:   or just go to:


Register and learn.   


     There is nothing you can lose here by taking advantage of the free offers that will help you tremendously and increase your prospects of nailing down that next job.  So there are people out there that are working to help you.  Have a great one.