The 12 model-based design terms every engineer needs to know

Here are some key terms related to model based design in engineering.

Model: A representation of a system, typically in the form of mathematical equations, diagrams, or simulations, used to describe its behavior and characteristics.

Modeling Language: A formal language used to create models.

Simulation: The process of running a model to observe and analyze the behavior of a system under various conditions.

Verification and Validation (V&V): The process of ensuring that a model accurately represents the real-world system it is intended to describe. Verification ensures the model is built correctly, while validation ensures it accurately represents the system.

Requirements: The specifications and constraints that define what the system must accomplish.

Simulation Environment: The software or hardware platform used to run simulations of the model.

Co-simulation: The simultaneous simulation of multiple models that interact with each other. These are often used to simulate complex systems with multiple components.

Model Integration: The process of combining multiple models into a single, cohesive representation of an entire system.

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): The application of model-based approaches to systems engineering, including requirements analysis, system architecture and design.

Automatic code generation: Automatically generating code from a model, which can be executed on target hardware to implement the system.

Design space exploration: The process of analyzing and exploring different design alternatives using models to optimize system performance and meet design objectives.

Model Lifecycle Management: The management of models throughout their lifecycle, including version control, documentation and reuse.

Written by

Michael Ouellette

Michael Ouellette is a senior editor at covering digital transformation, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing and automation.