Test Drive High Powered Computing – For Free

Nor-Techs traveling demo cluster lets maxxed-out workstation users try HPC.

Nor-Tech is allowing engineering firms to test high powered computing (HPC) for CAE, including CFD and FEA for free, using a traveling demo cluster.

The HPC cluster will allow engineering firms to assess the benefits of moving from workstations to HPC clusters and determine which Nor-Tech set-up is best for their organization.

“Our Demo Cluster is designed for organizations that ultimately need something beyond a workstation,” said David Bollig, Nor-Tech CEO.

“Clients who have made the transition typically see significant improvement in run times, better resolution, better utilization of their engineering staff and shorter time to market. It’s a great way for engineers to demonstrate return-on-investment for management.”

The demo cluster’s hardware and software will be configured to the needs, specs and expectations of the client. For instance, the cluster runs on the latest CPUs and GPUs including Xeon and NVIDIA. 

As Nor-Tech can supervise the client as they run tests on the cluster, Nor-Tech employees must sign an NDA to protect a client’s IP.

Nor-Tech’s demo cluster can be modified to feature the following:

  • Applications
    • ANSYS: ANSYS Fluent – CFD,
    • ANSYS: Mechanical – FEA,
    • ANSYS: CFX – CFD
    • LS-DYNA – FEA,
    • Altair: PBS Pro – Resource Management & Scheduler,
    • Altair: Hyperworks – Suite of CAE software
    • CEI Software: Ensight
    • Convergent Science: Converge CFD – Meshless CFD
    • Cradle-CDF: scSTREAM, scTetra
    • Dassault Systemes – Simulia: Abaqus – FEA
    • Lumerical: FDTD Solutions – Photonic Design Tools
    • MSC Software: Marc Nonlinear – FEA
    • Moldex3D: eDesign – Plastic Injection Molding Simulation
    • COMSOL: COMSOL Multiphysics
  • Cluster Utilities
    • Rocks Cluster Management Suite
    • NICE: DCV Remote Visualization
    • NICE: EnginFrame GUI for Job Scheduler & Resource Manager
    • Ganglia
    • IPMI management
    • OGS/GE based on (Sun Grid Engine), Torque
    • Bright Cluster Manager
    • Windows Server 2012/HPC
    • Intel: Compilers & Libraries

“If you can use a desktop, you can use one of our HPCs – this sets our solutions apart from competitors,” said Bollig.

Unfortunately, testing an HPC isn’t as easy as using a cloud service. Since cloud computing is accessible virtually, there isn’t any hardware that needs to be brought into your organization. However, not every organization is able to use the cloud due to security concerns or because of demands in contracts and regulations.

If clusters are your only option, it can be hard to find which one will work best for your organization without first bringing in hardware. Users will learn directly from Nor-Tech how to integrate the system to ensure easy installations of the actual equipment.

Written by

Shawn Wasserman

For over 10 years, Shawn Wasserman has informed, inspired and engaged the engineering community through online content. As a senior writer at WTWH media, he produces branded content to help engineers streamline their operations via new tools, technologies and software. While a senior editor at Engineering.com, Shawn wrote stories about CAE, simulation, PLM, CAD, IoT, AI and more. During his time as the blog manager at Ansys, Shawn produced content featuring stories, tips, tricks and interesting use cases for CAE technologies. Shawn holds a master’s degree in Bioengineering from the University of Guelph and an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.