Tech4PD #10: Mobile PLM

Tech4PD Episode 10 questions the best way to get value out of mobile PLM.

Although voting may be closed, the debate rages on.  Tech4PD Episode 10 questions the best way to get value out of mobile PLM.

There is no doubt by either side that mobile devices are the future of PLM.  But, how PLM should migrate to the mobile platform is in question.  In one corner stands Jim with his data-on-demand philosophy.  In the other corner Chad reasons with the uselessness of transferring data to ever smaller screens and instead explains why PLM should utilize built-in functionality of mobile devices that doesn’t exist in PCs: GPS, accelerometers, and high definition cameras.

No argument can be made against the bring-your-own-device tradewinds in corporate IT strategy that will demand a window into PLM from wherever those devices are on the planet, but is that the only value in PLM?  Can custom apps be created to do things like link GPS coordinates to PLM data so when an operator is in the field the associated data for that environment is already loaded?  What about finding PLM data based on submitting a picture via search. Or using mobile barcode scanners to open PLM data?

Watch the episode and decide for yourself.

This episode sponsored by PTC and Autodesk.