Tech Soft 3D Launches HOOPS Visualize for Mobile

Tech Soft 3D announces the launch of HOOPS Visualize for Mobile, a key product in its new suite of developer tools designed specifically to help software developers create robust, high-performance mobile applications.

Although this curator is a little slow on the trigger, Tech Soft 3D has been on the ball with releasing updates to their suite of products by the end of the month per their initial announcement.

Hoops Visualize v20 was the first to be updated.

About a week ago, Tech Soft 3D made their second announcement launching HOOPS Visualize for Mobile, a key product in its new suite of developer tools designed specifically to help software developers create robust, high-performance mobile applications.

Key features in this new SDK include:

  • Untethered Desktop Visualization Tools: Visualize for Mobile includes advanced features that used to be available only for desktop software. Features such as GPU shader effects, fast transparency, hidden-line rendering, sophisticated sectioning and cutting planes, and high-quality font rendering are now easy for developers to deliver through this high-level API.
  • Rich, Flexible Scene Graph: With the core engine from proven HOOPS Visualize desktop technology, developers can create mobile applications that handle 3D, 2D, point cloud, text and image data in their scene with ease.
  • High-Performance Algorithms: Optimized to handle large models, HOOPS Visualize for Mobile’s graphics technology ensures that graphics performance on mobile devices is fast and smooth, especially alongside an optimized OpenGL ES driver.
  • Mobile UI Support: Includes intuitive, portable support for both iOS Cocoa Touch and Android SDK-Java touch interfaces.
  • Leverage Latest Multi-core Devices: Provides a multi-threaded, fully thread-safe API that helps ensure scalable performance as hardware continues to evolve.
