Survey: How Has the Coronavirus Affected You?

Tell us how COVID-19 has changed your world.

Update 4/14/2020: Survey results are in. See article
here. Many thanks to over 530 of you who let us know how you were doing. 

To: the engineering community

Many of us have reacted to COVID-19 by working from home and isolating ourselves from coworkers — as well as friends and even family. We depend on the news to tell us about COVID-19 and much of the news is alarming.

We’d like to know how the coronavirus COVID-19 has affected each of you directly and personally. How has the crisis changed what you do, how you do it, your work, your play? Let us know! 

Take our survey!

We will share the results with the rest of our audience, most of them engineers like you, as part of our commitment to keep us all informed of this fast-developing global threat and its effect.

Don’t worry, your privacy will be protected. We will report results in aggregate, not individually.

We are all in this together. Stay safe and healthy,

Roopinder Tara
Director of Content,