Splash into Surfing Miles Away from the Ocean

Breakthrough hydraulics technology from American Wave Machines (AWM) replicates ocean surfing. The wave surge machine, called Surfstream, offers real surfing and wave riding capabilities for water parks, resorts, hotels, and sports exhibitions.

Learn to surf and ride the waves in a Surfstream designed by American Wave Machines.

Since each free-standing design is custom, the company needed a tool to present 3D concepts and designs so that clients can see how wave machine would fit into their establishments. AWM is using PTC’s CoCreate software to provide customers with virtual 3D prototyping and visualizations they require while giving AWM the flexibility to scale custom models to fit the unique dimensions of each facility.

“Almost everything we create must be built by people who use 2D prints as the reference information,” says Bruce McFarland, AWM president. “The software is used to design the system in 3D solid models from our parts and from the water park designer’s layout. We use it to reduce design to manufacture time. We can modify a design and re-issue prints in a matter of hours.”


American Wave Machines

::Design World::

Source: :: Design World ::