SolidWorks World 2013: Day 3 Recap

The final day of SolidWorks World 2013 was focused more on the future of SolidWorks and what’s coming next, including the always popular Top 10 List! This collection of links sums up the day from multiple points of view; users, press, and analysts…

SolidWorks World 2013: Day 3 Recap

The final day of SolidWorks World 2013 wrapped up Wednesday.  As usual, it was focused more on the future of SolidWorks and what’s coming next, including the always popular Top 10 List! This collection of links sums up the day from multiple points of view; users, press, and analysts…

Earlier Links

Some of the things posted earlier that didn’t make it into either of my two previous posts for Monday & Tuesday link recaps, but are certainly worth bringing to your attention.

Bonus Link

See everyone next year in San Diego for SolidWorks World 2014!


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