Altair’s solidThinking has released Click2Extrude 2017, a suite of enhanced extrusion software.

Click2Extrude’s simple interface make complex work, simple.
Altair’s solidThinking has announced the release of Click2Extrude 2017, a suite of software that includes Click2Extrude Metal and Click2Extrude Polymer.
Some of you might be scratching your head asking yourself, what exactly is extrusion simulation software? Well, trust me, you’ve seen the product of its handiwork and it’s likely you’ve even interacted with it today. You see, extrusion simulation software like Click2Extrude 2017 is used to help metal and polymer extrusion companies simulate the interaction of their materials with the dies that shape a substance into a final form.
In the past, when designs were more rigid and lacked the subtle curves that are now demanded in the automotive and aerospace industries, the process of metal and polymer extrusion didn’t require advanced simulation. Today, that’s hardly the case.
Fortunately, the Click2Extrude suite is steadily making the process of ensuring that dies and materials work together seamlessly much more easily and scientifically.
“Our new environment is designed for beginners and experts alike, to deliver an exemplary user experience by keeping all the complexities away from the users,” explained Ravi Mayavaram of solidThinking. “Our focus is to improve both the quality of the extrusions and the profitability of our customers.”
In the 2017 release, both Click2Extrude Metal and Click2Extrude Polymer are packed with new features. For its part, Click2Extrude Metal includes the ability to predict where internal defects may occur in weldments, skin tracking to identify scrap and back-end defects, a die failure prediction algorithm and quite a lot more.
When it comes to Click2Extrude Polymer, the 2017 update includes die swell prediction and profile shape defects, co-extrusion analysis and the opportunity to predict clamshelling and mandrel shifts. Again, Click2Extrude Polymer features a litany of other powerful enhancements that make extrusion simulation much more thorough and easy to use.
“[Click2Extrude 2017 is] a big step ahead in the model meshing for extrusion simulation,” stated Tommaso Pinter, CTO of Alumat & Almax Mori Group and Click2Extrude user. “We reduce the time required by 50 percent and the element’s quality is drastically better. Click2Extrude is also easy to use; a new engineer can become independent in a month’s time.”
As the demand for lightweighting and aerodynamics continues to drive the extrusion markets, you can be certain that extrusion simulation software will become even more vital for manufacturers looking to capture the business of aerospace and for automotive giants looking for the cheapest and fastest solutions to their design and manufacturing challenges.