Despite industry speculation, market analysts suggest HP won’t acquire 3D Systems.
A report from Citigroup Investor’s Business Daily declares that HP won’t be buying 3D Systems. Or would they?

As is usual in the corporate world, things are in flux at the top of the 3D printing industry, particularly with 3D Systems, one of the two leading companies in the field, with the other being Stratasys.
Recently, 3D Systems underwent considerable change in which they axed their entire consumer division, dropped their longtime CEO, frantically reorganized to meet their quarterly result expectations and just recently hired a new CEO to take over from interim leadership.
Their stock price has dropped considerably since the stratospheric heights it—and others in the 3D printing business—hit in early 2014, making the company—and others—more attractive as takeover targets. Why not? The low stock price meant a buyer could take on the company at sale prices.
One possibility for 3D Systems was a takeover by HP, a longtime player in the printing business. HP has shown considerable interest in 3D printing over the years, first by relabeling Stratasys’ uPrint device for a few years. Later, the company announced in a rather strange fashion that they intended to enter the 3D printing market with their own equipment.
You might think it would be a natural step for the much-larger HP to scoop up 3D Systems to obtain their skills, patents and worldwide distribution networks to leverage with their own product, and even more so when you realize 3D Systems’ new CEO, Vyomesh Joshi, is a former HP executive with significant connections to the company.
Citigroup doesn’t think so. In the report, they said, “We expect Joshi to bring a fresh set of eyes to [3D Systems’] strategic growth and profit initiatives. Investors believe Joshi’s HP roots enhance the possibility of an HP acquisition of [3D Systems]. While we see how bullish investors might connect the dots here, [we] believe that an acquisition by HP is highly unlikely.”
It could be that HP is so confident in their still-mysterious 3D printing product and process that they feel they have no need to dabble with the competition. Perhaps they don’t even see 3D Systems as competition.
Further reporting on the issue that is not included here can be found here on Fabbaloo.