Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

ASTM International publishes first papers in new online journal.

The standards organization ASTM International has published the first papers in its new online journal, Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems. Access to the papers is free during the journal’s inaugural year.

The papers are:

  • “Toward a Digital Thread and Data Package for Metals-Additive Manufacturing,” by D.B. Kim, P. Witherell, Y. Lu, and S. Feng
  • “A Classification Scheme for Smart Manufacturing Systems’ Performance Metrics,” by Y.T. Lee, S. Kumaraguru, S. Jain, S. Robinson, M. Helu, Q.Y. Hatim, S. Rachuri, D. Dornfeld, C.J. Saldana, and S. Kumara
  • “Concept-Based Text Mining Technique for Semantic Classification of Manufacturing Suppliers,” by P.Y. Shotorbani and F. Ameri
  • “An Agent Based Distributed Shop Floor Control System for a Job Shop Environment,” by M. Kumari, N. Chilwant, A. Prajapati, and M.S. Kulkarni.

The journal aims to foster interdisciplinary research and the development of manufacturing technologies through information science, systems engineering and engineering design.

Sudarsan Rachuri, the journal’s editor-in-chief, is the federal program manager for the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute at the U.S. Department of Energy.

According to Rachuri, a key goal of the journal is to support collaboration among academia, industry, government labs, and non-profit organizations to support research and technology development in smart and sustainable manufacturing.

For more information or to download the papers, visit the ASTM International website.