How BIOVIA can ensure you’re designing with the right materials and/or for biological systems.

Accelrys becomes BIOVIA.
A big announcement at the SIMULIA Community Conference (SCC14) was the introduction of a new brand, BIOVIA. This new brand came out of the Dassault Systèmes (DS) acquisition of Accelrys. It combines both DS and Accelrys’ work in Biointelligence, life cycle sciences and material science – all accessible from the 3dX platform.
BIOVIA uses the digital world to understand the transformations of chemical, biological and material systems and apply that research to optimize products and improve the life of the end user. BIOVIA users will be able to design, simulate and discover at the molecular level for various industries.
Scott Berkey CEO of SIMULIA explains, “This will make us realize the multi-scale vision we have been talking about the last couple of days. We can imagine that other life sciences efforts at Dassault Systèmes and BIOVIA will allow us to drill down even further the biological, chemical and materials modeling and simulation at the molecule level for unprecedented realism … This will allow companies upstream to work with materials suppliers to make sure the materials they will use will have the right characteristics that they were looking for, this is the connection to Accelrys and what they do. They are at the molecular level at analysis and simulation.”
Sumanth Kumar, Vice President of the Simulia Portfolio Experience, adds that, “Accelrys works on simulation at the micro scale, but they are also into modeling and production of biological and chemical products. Accelrys has a bigger technology reach in terms of biological and chemical when going into the biosphere. The overlap between Accelrys, BIOVIA and the SIMULIA brand is the simulation portion. They fill in the portfolio of the micro and nano scale. Simulia can fill in the macro scale. This is a fantastic complimentary solution.”

Series of drugs interacting with a target protein.
Kumar explains that BIOVIA and Accelrys come into play at the protein and atomic level: “One of the fundamentals of any simulation that we do is material modeling. BIOVIA and Accelrys can not only characterize the material, you are able to innovate the materials using this product line.”
“With Accelrys, frankly 3 years ago no one would have thought that we would be in this friendly takeover. Now it’s becoming logical step to understand the product side, the nature of the Bio so we can correlate things no one else has correlated until now,” said Dassault Systèmes CEO Bernard Charlès.
Charlès adds, “Accelrys is bringing to Dassault Systèmes the chemistry engine, the molecular engine, and multi scale, hybridization of materials and biomaterials. Dassault Systèmes is bringing to Accelrys system biology and bio PLM which we have been researching on for 5 years with some of the most prestigious research centers in oncology. The common platform is a game changer approach in what we can do.”

Navigation of BIOVIA’s collection of proteins within the 3DEXPERIENCE.
You can imagine that this new brand will be just as useful to the health care industry for medications and heart valves as it will for the material analysis of an O-ring polymer seal. Either way, this tool will help engineers look deeper into their designs, ensure their materials are right for the job, and gain a greater understanding of a biological system.
Images courtesy of Business Wire