Simplifying Z-Wave Setup with SmartStart

Z-Wave SmartStart promises easier and faster smart home installations.

Smart home devices can be preloaded to the Z-Wave gateway with SmartStart. (Image courtesy of Sigma Designs.)

Smart home devices can be preloaded to the Z-Wave gateway with SmartStart. (Image courtesy of Sigma Designs.)

Sigma Designs, developer of the Z-Wave standard for Internet of Things (IoT) smart home devices, has announced the availability of Z-Wave SmartStart. SmartStart is a new Z-Wave technology that makes setup and installation of Z-Wave devices as simple as scanning a QR code, eliminating frustrating DIY setup for homeowners and time-intensive installations for service provider technicians.

Z-Wave SmartStart allows smart home devices, like smart lights, thermostats, security systems and more, to be preloaded into a user’s Z-Wave gateway in the form of a provisioning list. A provisioning list is simply a list of devices to be joined to the Z-Wave network, along with their associated device information such as inclusion, product and network data. The provisioning list and associated information is represented by a QR code.

With the provisioning list preloaded onto the Z-Wave gateway, users can add Z-Wave devices to the network by scanning their associated QR codes with a smartphone. Since their roles and functions have been predetermined, the Z-Wave devices will be ready to go with no extra setup required.

“Studies have shown the primary reason that consumers return a smart home device is due to setup difficulty,” said Sigma Designs’ Raoul Wijgergangs.“We’re removing that barrier to adoption with Z-Wave SmartStart, so that any combination of devices and brands from the Z-Wave ecosystem for an experience of consistent installation quality, using preconfiguration for instant, uniform integration, whether they’re doing it themselves or relying on the expertise of their service provider.”

A further benefit of SmartStart is that it utilizes Z-Wave’s Security 2 (S2) framework, which is now mandatory for all devices seeking Z-Wave certification.Since S2 is built into the SmartStart protocol, Z-Wave developers will be able to easily integrate SmartStart with S2 for secure, easy-to-install smart home devices.

“We’re making it a no-brainer for manufacturers to implement SmartStart and S2, thus expediting adoption and creating a broad selection of devices in the ecosystem—giving consumers and service providers choice of devices without having to worry if they will work together or how secure the network is,” continued Wijgergangs.

You can find more information about Z-Wave SmartStart on the Sigma Designs website. For more Z-Wave news, check out Can You Win the Z-Wave Smart Home Maker Challenge?

Written by

Michael Alba

Michael is a senior editor at He covers computer hardware, design software, electronics, and more. Michael holds a degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Alberta.