SimManager 2014 Improves CAE Product Integration

MSC Software focuses on integration and improving simulation workflows.

Days after the announcement of MSC Apex, MSC Software released the latest version of their SimManager software. SimManager 2014 users will appreciate the process enhancements and innovative functionality for Simulation Data Management. For instance, the new release will feature an improved GUI and direct integration with MSC’s Adams, Patran, and Marc, as well as Beta CAE Systems and ANSA.

For users in the automotive industry, this added SimManager integration includes Adams/Car. This provides greater global teamwork and cooperation when working on multibody dynamic simulations. The connection is made using a client plug-in installation that allows SimManager to be accessed directly in the Adams/Car GUI. Users will be able to retrieve, edit and publish SimManager files through Adams/Car.

SimManager’s integration will also make it easier to pre/post process your simulation data. Users can retrieve, modify, input results and publish files with SimManager within the native application. This ability is also possible for:

  • Patran 2010-2014
  • SimXpert 2012-2013
  • Marc Mentat 2012-2014
  • Adams/Car 2011-2013
  • ANSA 15

Even Windows Desktop Explorer will have the ability to retrieve and update files in SimManager.

The Work Request Workflow, first introduced in the 2010 release of SimManager, has also been improved. The tool allows users to define standard workflows and detail the status and progress on these tasks. It has been further refined in the 2014 release of SimManager to help manage your workflow systems.

As an optional module, VCollab and VMove have been incorporated into SimManager. This combination assists in the visualization of CAD, CAE models, and CAE results. VCollab is a vender neutral viewer capable of providing web-friendly generated CAD and FEA. Essentially, this will provide 3D snapshots and 2D images that are lightweight enough to share on the web. The results can then be post-processed directly in the web browser.

Other SimManager improvements cover GUI, navigation, security, performance and ease of use.

Source MSC Software.

Written by

Shawn Wasserman

For over 10 years, Shawn Wasserman has informed, inspired and engaged the engineering community through online content. As a senior writer at WTWH media, he produces branded content to help engineers streamline their operations via new tools, technologies and software. While a senior editor at, Shawn wrote stories about CAE, simulation, PLM, CAD, IoT, AI and more. During his time as the blog manager at Ansys, Shawn produced content featuring stories, tips, tricks and interesting use cases for CAE technologies. Shawn holds a master’s degree in Bioengineering from the University of Guelph and an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.