Siemens Offers Users a Free 45-Day Test Drive of Solid Edge

Though the price of 3D CAD software has dropped since its initial introduction, it still requires a comfort level with the software.

Though the price of 3D CAD software has dropped since its initial introduction, it still requires a comfort level with the software.

Siemens is enabling companies to try out its Solid Edge software first before making the full commitment to purchasing it. Users can now download a free, 45-day trial of Solid Edge to see for themselves whether it can improve their product development processes.

Not a trial version, this professional version of Solid Edge offers users complete access to the software’s part modeling, assembly design, drafting, simulation and add-on apps. Unlike other free trials, there are no restrictions on the number of saves, part sizes, or other factors so users can truly assess the value of the software by using it to design their own real-world parts.

What sets Solid Edge apart from its competitors is its synchronous technology, which combines the strengths of parametric modeling with the flexibility of direct modeling. The software enables the user to choose which 3D modeling paradigm they would like to use, either constraint-driven or history-free modeling, which greatly improves model reuse as well as their ability to work with data from multiple CAD systems.

Other features of Solid Edge 3D CAD software include: full part, sheet metal, assembly and drafting capabilities; surfacing; frame, piping, wiring and tubing applications; FEA analysis; photorealistic rendering; mold tooling design; web publishing; and built-in data translators. To shorten the learning curve, the software also offers interactive tutorials, productivity tips and tricks and access to a newsgroup where users can exchange ideas and get tips from other designers.

Solid Edge is the industry’s most complete hybrid 2D/3D CAD system that uses synchronous technology to accelerate design, speed up design changes and improve imported data reuse, whether it’s 2D drawings or 3D models.

Curious? Give the software a free test drive for 45 days. The software currently runs on Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems. Click here to learn how to get started.