FEATool Multiphysics release improves meshing and interfaces with Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.
Eager to share your analysis of the force exerted by Holdo’s hyperdrive-fueled kamikaze attack on the Supremacy? Want to prove to your online friends once and for all that all of the firepower on the Andromeda Ascendant will not exceed the impact of Tyr’s slip fighter on a collision course? Or perhaps you have analyzed the force that Caleb would have needed to break the window of his cell to escape and warn the world about Ava, and want to share your insights? Now you can directly share your simulation results with friends, coworkers, colleagues, your clan and even the Internet on social media. Users can share their simulation results directly to social media with the share feature added to the version 1.7.1 update of FEATool Multiphysics. One-click buttons in the share dialog box conveniently export the current plot and simulation details to Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
Engineers using FEATool Multiphysics for meshing and analysis will also appreciate the stability and performance improvements. Faster analysis, improved stability and convergence and a more user-friendly graphical user interface reduce time required for simulation and frustration. Engineers can more easily complete meshing and grid generation with the refined toolbar that includes support for external Gmsh and Triangle mesh generators as well as the internal DistMesh generator. Included M-script model examples for swirl flow and periodic boundary conditions provide a starting point for your own analysis as well as a demonstration on how to use the tools.
An updated Grid Generation Settings dialog box improves control of grid generation. Users can select the Grid Generation Algorithm, set limits with the Subdomain Grid Size and Boundary Grid Size controls and control mesh precision with the Quality slider control. Users can also edit the number of smoothing steps, select between unstructured triangular or structured quadrilateral grid cells and enter additional string parameter commands for the external tool call.