See San Francisco All in White, Thanks to Autodesk

Autodesk and Steelblue combine their powers to create the largest 3D print of the San Francisco waterfront.

When you are a creative design company, having creative designs to show off really cements the statement.  Autodesk’s Pier 9 workshop does just that.

Autodesk, partnering with Steelblue – a creative agency specializing in strategic visual marketing for premier development projects, created a scale-model 3D print of the San Francisco waterfront.

Steelblue created the digital model from photogrammetry, city planning data, and architectural drawings.  Autodesk 3D printed the model using two Objet Connex 500 printers and spent about two months doing so.  It is the largest 3D print to come out of Pier 9 to date.

Although this model was created for a specific client, Autodesk is rumored to be creating another model that will be displayed in their Gallery.  Eat your heart out Google Earth, I’ll take a tangible scale model over satellite imagery any day, especially when I can project satellite imagery on top of my scale model.  Now that would be an amazing combination of physical and digital to showcase.

3D printed model of San Francisco – making of from steelblue on Vimeo.
