IEEE's Leadership Conference to empower women towards executive roles and combat gender disparity.
The IEEE’s second Women in Engineering International Conference (WIE-ILC) is open for registration.
In kind with last year’s event, IEEE seeks to empower women in mid-level engineering careers to climb up the ladder to executive positions. This year’s conference tracks will focus on innovation, empowerment, entrepreneurship, and executive leadership.

An online program will also be held to promote skill development and engaging with girls and women in local communities.
Yanbing Li will be leading the charge as keynote speaker at this year’s conference. As vice president and general manager at cloud and virtualization software company VMware (VM standing for Virtual Machine), Li is an exceptional role model.
Li holds general management responsibilities for storage and availability services for VMware vCloud Air.
Also leading product development for Software-Defined Data Center Division, LI serves as an expert member of China Cloud Computing Expert Committee and has served on the U.S. National Delegation to the ISO/IEC Plenary Meeting on SOA and cloud computing. Did I mention she’s a mother of three?
“Leveraging IEEE’s deep influence and reach in technology, the conference offers a great forum for women technical leaders to come together as a community,” says Li.
Other executive leaders to speak at the event include,
· Brian Krzanich, CEO, Intel,
· Lisa Su, CEO, AMD,
· Rebecca Jacoby, CIO, Cisco,
· Patty Hatter, VP & GM, Intel Security,
· And more.
The event will take place April 23-25 at the San Jose Marriott Hotel.
For more information, visit