SCIA Engineer 16 Brings Enhancements to Concrete and Steel

New release of BIM workflow-enabled software features improvements to international building code adherence.

SCIA Engineer is a popular tool for structural design, incorporating building information modeling (BIM) workflows and including several handy features. Its newest release, SCIA Engineer 16, promises even more tools for structural engineers working with concrete and steel.

“This release comes with a long list of enhancements that streamline the entire engineering workflow,” said Hilde Sevens, CEO of SCIA. “Some of the new developments are aimed at solving specific problems for specialty projects; others will impact the day-to-day practice of every engineer. Most of these upgrades were made as a direct result of customer requests.”


New Features for Structural Design

So what are some of the new features that users can look forward to?

Concrete Design

The reinforced concrete Section Check is designed to let users design and validate code compliance on specific sections of a 1D member by selecting a section, transferring relevant data to a dialog box and sending results to the engineering report.

New features for SCIA Engineer 16 include the ability to design and code-check 1D members against Eurocode. (Image courtesy of SCIA.)

New features for SCIA Engineer 16 include the ability to design and code-check 1D members against Eurocode. (Image courtesy of SCIA.)

The new version features new capacities for international building codes, meaning users will be able to:

  • Design and validate reinforced concrete beams, columns and ribs per Eurocode EN1992-1, including the National Annexes.
  • Develop seismic design of concrete shear wall and frame systems according to ACI 318-14 and ASCE 7-10, including load combinations and boundary conditions.
  • Design linear and surface concrete elements per Brazilian NBR 6118, including designing 2D members for the ultimate limit state and 1D members for ultimate and serviceability limit states.
  • Utilize newly integrated ECtools to help meet U.S. codes for seismic capacity, including push-over analysis using an advanced fiber-beam-column model which can be included in the engineering report.

Steel and Composite Design

Among the new features for steel design is the Coupled Set AutoDesign routine, intended to optimize user-defined sets of steel profiles using various sets of dimensions.

Steel designers will also have an improved ability to meet Eurocode for steel connections. Users will be able to design with four bolts per row and will be able to check any connections for weak-axis and bi-axial bending moments.

With SCIA Engineer 16, users will be able to design composite beams to meet Eurocode. (Image courtesy of SCIA.)

With SCIA Engineer 16, users will be able to design composite beams to meet Eurocode. (Image courtesy of SCIA.)

Composite design was introduced in SCIA Engineer 15 and has received some updates with this new version as well.

  • Composite design will meet Eurocode EN 1994 with new features such as lateral-torsional buckling checks and fire safety verification.
  • Composite floor design will also be able to meet AISC 360-10 with new features such as an ability to modify the load transfer method for composite decking and automatic camber design depending on construction stage loading.

BIM Updates

SCIA Engineer 16 will also feature improvements to the BIM workflow, including a new IFC-based interface with Allplan and compatibility with Tekla Structures 2016.

For more information, check out the SCIA Engineer website.