RTT USA, Inc. Announces 3rd Annual Emerging Technology Contest

PASADENA, Calif.  – RTT USA, Inc. (RTT) is inviting students and colleges/universities around the world to submit outstanding 3D visualization projects for its RTT Emerging Technology Contest 2009.

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In association with renowned graphics card producer NVIDIA, the RTT Emerging Technology Contest (now in its third year) provides students and schools with a platform for their current research projects.

Submission categories include “Interfacing and Interaction”, “3D Rendering and Simulation Software Technologies” and “3D Content Realtime/Animated.” Students, research teams and colleges/universities from around the world can submit their current technological projects or work that has been specially produced for the competition to the RTT Emerging Technology Contest. Submissions must include a video and short description of the project. Judges will look for innovation, intuitive coherence and user-friendly projects.

Projects can be submitted online at www.rtt.ag or via the www.rttopen.com platform.

The deadline is March 13, 2009 and the winners will be given the opportunity to present their work to a large audience at the 10th annual RTT Conference in May 2009. Winning projects will be honored during the conference and presented as part of the accompanying high-tech exhibition. In addition, each winner will receive a high-end NVIDIA graphics card.

The international competition is the ideal platform for new talent wanting to present their work and test their abilities in the market. Through this competition, the next generation of 3D talent can meet and exchange ideas with “shining stars” in the fields of 3D visualization and animation.

For additional information about the RTT Emerging Technology Contest, send an
e-mail to contest@rtt.ag.


::Design World::