Whitepaper: Your Technology Strategy is Critical to Improving Productivity in Product Development

Technology has brought increased productivity to every aspect of the manufacturing, except one.

Technology has brought increased productivity to every aspect of the manufacturing, except one.

Engineers still report that at least 30-40% of their time is spent on non-value added tasks – ie, tasks where his or her expertise is not applied towards innovation.

Successful companies are shortening their time to market and achieving higher levels of quality.

How are they doing it?

They are applying a holistic technology strategy to support their product development rather than applying point solutions to fix individual pain points as they arise.

The technology that underpins this strategy is typically some form of corporate-wide product collaboration platform.

This 10-page white paper delves into the various types of holistic solutions and the pros and cons of each type, including:

  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  • Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Complete the form on this page to download your free white paper. Your download is sponsored by Adaptive Corporation.