In commercial aviation, service parts availability is critical to dispatch reliability and productivity in today’s thin margin, fast paced operations.
In commercial aviation, service parts availability is critical to dispatch reliability and productivity in today’s thin margin, fast paced operations. MRO documentation, inventory control and part tracking as well as the need for operational analytics have driven these complex systems beyond the simple spreadsheet -type systems of the small fleet FBO.
This six-page whitepaper from PTC shows how modern operators can optimize support, planning and maintenance in civil aviation MRO activities. Learn how advanced tools manage multiple issues, including:
- The need for high levels of equipment availability
- Cost and profit optimization for contracts for third party maintenance or sparing
- Long service life cycles
- Forecasting based upon aircraft activity or routes
- Rotable return and repair (reverse logistics) requirements
- Repair and Overhaul Operations (MRO) and conditional repair bills-of-material
- Inventory optimization in a multi-echelon, multi-indentured repair network
- Target stocking levels optimized to a fleet availability target
- Frequent technical revisions/configuration management
- Excess and obsolescence
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