White Paper: Power Analysis and Fault Attacks against Secure CAN: How Safe Are Your Keys?

The growing complexity of automotive systems is putting a large amount of pressure on their designers. Industry constantly pushes to add new features for comfort, entertainment, and safety, requiring a single vehicle to use an increasing number of communicating electronic devices.

The growing complexity of automotive systems is putting a large amount of pressure on their designers. Industry constantly pushes to add new features for comfort, entertainment, and safety, requiring a single vehicle to use an increasing number of communicating electronic devices. Frighteningly, attackers have managed to abuse these complex networks, allowing them to break into or remotely control vehicles. However, today, there is a research effort to develop encrypted in-vehicle communication to mitigate these flaws.

This paper investigates encrypted and authenticated in-vehicle communication protocols, showing how they are vulnerable to side-channel power analysis and fault injection attacks and what countermeasures can be taken to prevent this type of in-vehicle vulnerability.

In this white paper you will learn:

  • What type of attacks are making vehicle electronics vulnerable.
  • The methods used by attackers to subvert on-board electronic systems.
  • What type of countermeasures can be installed in a vehicle’s electronics to prevent automotive hacking.

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