White Paper – Bring Digital to Life: People and Change Management

If digital transformation (DX) is a technology-enabled philosophy, then the success of DX will rely on people undertaking activities in line with its principles.

If digital transformation (DX) is a technology-enabled philosophy, then the success of DX will rely on people undertaking activities in line with its principles.

As with any philosophy it invites questions at all levels and challenges the status quo, but unlike academic discussions, DX demands answers. The key question to ask in successful DX programs is “How can we ensure we have the right people to deliver it?”

Answering that question requires a few considerations, and in this white paper you will learn how to prepare yourself for a disruptive and productive digital transformation.

In this white paper, you’ll learn:

  • How to assess whether you have the right talent base for a DX transformation
  • How to best guide the talent you have into a digital future
  • And what methods you can use to encourage the change that you want to see in your workforce

Complete the form on this page to download your free white paper. This white paper is sponsored by IFS.