White Paper – Achieving Reliability to Match Capability

Veteran engineers, who have been down the roll-your-own road before, know its pitfalls and would much prefer a standards-based, flexible, and rigorously tested solution focused on maintaining embedded system reliability. Abaco recognized the need and went to work. The result was Health Toolkit.

Maximizing system reliability in military embedded computing is an imperative. Here, we describe the Health Toolkit, the first commercial solution designed to provide the insight that can support that goal.

Each new defense platform asks more from embedded electronics. Designers respond with faster processors, more processors, more sensors, and faster interconnects. These leaps in embedded capability carry with them expanding complexity. Every new component is another potential point of failure. What does that do to mission reliability?

System engineers wrestle with the problem.

Some are building their own solutions, writing software to collect component information and then make sense of what is collected. Veteran engineers, who have been down the roll-your-own road before, know its pitfalls and would much prefer a standards-based, flexible, and rigorously tested solution focused on maintaining embedded system reliability.

The result was Health Toolkit. Read the white paper to learn more.

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