White Paper: 5 Things to Know When Switching CAD Tools

Computer-aided design (CAD) tools help engineers develop new parts and products.

Computer-aided design (CAD) tools help engineers develop new parts and products.

To improve the development cycle of these products, it is sometimes neccesary to update legacy CAD tools.

In this 20-page white paper, you will learn:

  • Why businesses need CAD
  • Why companies change CAD tools
  • What to expect when switching CAD vendors
  • What to look for in a new CAD tool

About the Author:

Michelle Boucher is the vice president of research for engineering software for the research firm Tech-Clarity.

Boucher has spent more than 20 years in various engineering, marketing and management rolls, working in industry as well as with software vendors.

She has spent the last eight years as an industry analyst researching the business value of improvements to product development.

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